A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

A game about collecting groat (coins) and jumping through lancets (windows)! 

Jump around collecting coins, avoid traps, and resize windows to grow and shrink your player!

The bigger your player the higher you jump, but you might not fit into some of the more narrow passages.


  • A to move left
  • D to move right
  • Space to jump
  • Mouse to move and resize windows

Known Issues:

  • Moving a window too quickly may cause a collision with a nearby coin or trap.
  • Sometimes when exiting the game an error may appear.
  • Minimizing the game and reopening it make cause the layout to break, requiring the game to be full restarted.
  • When knight is very large or very small collisions do not always behave as anticipated.


All music, sfx, sprites, and fonts were provided by Brackey's "How to make a Video Game" tutorial.



Groat&Lancet_LINUX.zip 63 MB
Groat&Lancet_MAC.zip 118 MB
Groat&Lancet_WINDOWS.zip 62 MB

Install instructions


  1. Download _WINDOWS.zip
  2. Extract .zip
  3. Launch .exe


  1. Download _MAC.zip
  2. Extract .zip
  3. Navigate to Contents\MacOS
  4. Launch game

Mac troubleshooting : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0op02d8n8_k&t=51s


I included a Linux build but it has not been tested and I do not know how to launch it.


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Great work! A very addicting little game.

very clever use of the theme!

Clever idea and great execution. Excellent job! 

Hello ! Very cool game ! I love the idea, it fits perfectly the Jam's theme. Got a huge score while keeping the easy platforms with me !

I had a little bug, I crushed the first window plateform with the player on it under another window with a ground. Maybe a solving would be to detect the crush and kill the player or place invisible picks under the other platform ? 

If you want to test back our game for the GMTKGame Jam 2024 : Feed The Beast. Feedbacks are appreciated too. 

Hey great find and tip! I was able to implement a detection for the player being inside the ground and kill them. New build is up if you want to give it a try.

Tested and worked pretty well!